We believe in God's love and grace and believe that should be shared with all people in what we do and say.
We want people to know that God's love and forgiveness is for everybody no matter where they have been and what they have done.

We gather together to worship the Lord and share our experience, strength and hope in our beautiful historic building in Alexandria, Indiana.
We have traditional worship, but it is done informally and deals with contemporary issues. We also publish Pastor Kal's sermons and podcasts as audio and video on our website to share God's message globally.

We strive to be a force for good, sharing God's love by helping care for those in our community with needs.
We house and support Pete's Pantry, where families can come for free food, and operate Heaven's Wearhouse, which provides donated clothing and household items to people in need.
We also support several other ministries as well, and as a certified Master Addictions Counselor, Pastor Kal serves as a resource for those dealing with addiction issues in the congregation and throughout the local community.
Our Staff

Rev. Kal Rissmann
Pastor Kal graduated from Christ Seminary in St. Louis, MO in 1977. He has previously served a congregation in Jamestown, ND, but has spent most of his career in hospital work. He is a certified Master Addictions Counselor, certified Marriage and Family Therapist, and chaplain. He serves as pastor of Our Blessed Savior, Alexandria, and St. John Lutheran Church, Elwood, and recently retired from chaplain duties at Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie. Pastor Kal and his wife, Deborah, reside in Alexandria. They have four grown children and seven grandchildren.

Marilyn Pierce
Marilyn Pierce is our church secretary and organist. Marilyn is a lifelong member of Our Blessed Savior where she started her music career playing the piano for Sunday School. She has served as organist for 53 years and has played three new organs during this time. She has been church office secretary for over 30 years.
Marilyn also manages Alexandria's Heaven's Wearhouse, a clothing and small household items center for people in need.
Church: 765-724-3671
(Mon & Fri, 8:00 am - noon)
Home: 765-754-7381
E-mail: pastorkal2015@gmail.com
Church: 765-724-3671
(Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to noon)
Join Us!

309 W. Washington St., Alexandria, IN
Sun School: 9:30 am | Worship: 10:30 am
Office: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - noon