Lutherans have worshiped at the corner of Washington and Black Streets in Alexandria for over 110 years.
Over that time, our church has met in a beautiful sanctuary with a unique origin.

Featured in the Indianapolis Star
Sunday, April 29, 1906
See the newspaper page and read the contemporary account of our building's origin.
The Lutheran Church of Our Blessed Savior formed when the English and German Lutheran Churches in Alexandria merged into a single congregation.
Our beautiful sanctuary was built in 1903, with the land, building, and furnishings a gift from Miss Clara Graff of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Miss Graff’s identity was kept a secret until after her death in about 1906. We've posted a contemporary account of the revelation of her identity from the Indianapolis Sunday Star that's a pretty interesting read.
One of the most striking features of our sanctuary is the large stained glass window depicting Christ’s Ascension, a part of the north wall of the sanctuary. Originally, the altar and pulpit were along the south wall of the building (photo below). Pastor Huber suggested that the sanctuary orientation be reversed, so that this window would be above the altar area. He thought the congregation should be able to study this window while he was preaching. The altar area is located beneath this window to this day.
Purchase of adjoining lots allowed for an education wing with basement enlargement to be completed in 1955. The addition of an elevator provides access to all levels of the building except the choir loft. The facility is fully air conditioned and equipped with wireless internet. See the sanctuary today...

Join Us!

309 W. Washington St., Alexandria, IN
Sun School: 9:30 am | Worship: 10:30 am
Office: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - noon