
Request to study proposed 2021 Budget

Hello all,


Because of the COVID virus, we are presently not able to meet as a congregation.  However, we still need to conduct the business of the church.  This requires us to do some of our normal business in different ways.  This includes the approval of the 2021 budget.  With the use of our new phone tree program, you will receive a call later this week (probably Friday or Saturday).  The phone call will ask you to vote to either “approve” or “not approve” the budget.  The church council has approved to recommend this budget.  Please look the budget over prior to Friday.  If you should have any questions, you can call the church office and either leave a message if no one is there or leave the question with Marilyn and someone will either call or leave a message with an answer.


Thank you


2021 OBSLC Budget worksheet