In 2016, Pete's Pantry...
- Served 2,621 families and 9,527 individuals
- Distributed 142,000 pounds of food
- Recorded 5,885 volunteer hours
Pete's Pantry is a food pantry serving Alexandria, sponsored and housed by Old Blessed Savior.
Pete's Pantry provides a menu of healthy foods with fresh produce and government commodities to some over 275 families monthly from Alexandria and the surrounding areas.
Beyond housing Pete's Pantry, many of the donations and volunteer hours are provided by members of Old Blessed Savior. In addition, the youth of OBS perform a skit each Super Bowl Sunday called The Super Bowl of Caring, which educates the congregation about global hunger issues, and collect an offering during Souper Bowl Sunday (pictured) for Pete's Pantry to help provide food to those in need.
Formerly called the Emergency Relief Fund (ERF), Pete's Pantry was named in honor of its former director and avid promoter, Pete McCoy.
Mon 9:30 am - 10:50 am
Wed 9:30 am - 10:50 am
Fri 9:30 am - 10:50 am

Our Blessed Savior
309 W. Washington St. Alex
Lower Level

On average, Heaven's Wearhouse provides clothing and essentials to 130 families monthly.
Heaven's Wearhouse provides clothing to people in need in Alexandria and the surrounding areas.
Heaven's Wearhouse takes donations of gently used clothing from the community and distributes it to people in need, helping to clothe around 130 families monthly.
Located in the educational wing of the old Baptist Church (next to the Commons Theater), Heaven's Wearhouse is maintained by the Our Blessed Savior, and many of the volunteers are members of our church.
Heaven's Wearhouse takes donations of gently used clothing from the community and distributes it to people in need, helping to clothe around 130 families monthly. Anyone is welcome to come twice monthly during distribution hours for free clothing, and donations are accepted both during distribution and at our weekly church services.
Mon 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Tue 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Old Baptist Church
(new Commons Theatre)
201 W. Church St. Alex
behind bldg, on Canal St.
Beauty for Ashes
A local residential shelter in Alexandria, Beauty for Ashes provides a safe place, counseling and education for women and children coming from difficult situations. Through the years, Our Blessed Savior has provided counseling services, financial support, and a safe place to worship to its residents. Visit the Beauty for Ashes website for more information.
Wernle Center
A ministry of the ELCA, the Wernle Youth & Family Treatment Center is a residential setting for troubled boys and girls based in Richmond, Indiana. Our Blessed Savior has been an active participant in this ministry, providing clothing, supplies and financial support on an ongoing basis. Visit the Wernle Center website for more information.
Lutheran Outdoor Ministries
Lutheran Outdoor Ministries operates three camps in Indiana -- Lutheran Hills, Lutherwald and Lake Luther -- to give youngsters opportunities to learn about God's grace in an outdoor setting. Our Blessed Savior has supported these camps financially through the years, sending several campers as well. Visit the Lutheran Outdoor Ministries website for more information.
Join Us!

309 W. Washington St., Alexandria, IN
Sun School: 9:30 am | Worship: 10:30 am
Office: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - noon