Pastor Kal occasionally posts written messages,
comments and devotions to our website.
If you have a question about any of these messages, please email Pastor Kal directly, and he will be happy to guide you further.
Request to study proposed 2021 Budget
Hello all, Because of the COVID virus, we are presently not able to meet as a congregation. However, we still need to conduct the business of the church. This requires us to do some of our normal business in different ways. This includes the approval of the 2021 budget. With the use of our […]Good-Natured Teasing
One of the things that I remember from my growing up days was that it was inevitable that my dad and uncles were going to find things to tease me about. Most of it was good-natured fun and was considered part of growing up in our family and a rite of passage. For example, the […]
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309 W. Washington St., Alexandria, IN
Sun School: 9:30 am | Worship: 10:30 am
Office: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - noon